========= Changelog ========= Version x.x.x ============= Release date: TBD New features ------------ API changes ----------- Bug fixes --------- Version 0.10.0 ============== Release date: 2019-08-07 New features ------------ - Increased minimum Python version supported for running `repo2docker` itself to Python 3.5 in :pr:`684` by :user:`betatim`. - Support for `Pipfile` and `Pipfile.lock` implemented in :pr:`649` by :user:`consideratio`. - Use only conda packages for our base environments in :pr:`728` by :user:`scottyhq`. - Fast rebuilds when repo dependencies haven't changed by :user:`minrk` and :user:`betatim` in :pr:`743`, :pr:`752`, :pr:`718` and :pr:`716`. - Add support for Zenodo in :pr:`693` by :user:`betatim`. - Add support for general Invenio repositories in :pr:`704` by :user:`tmorrell`. - Add support for julia 1.0.4 and 1.1.1 in :pr:`710` by :user:`davidanthoff`. - Bump Conda from 4.6.14 to 4.7.5 in :pr:`719` by :user:`davidrpugh`. API changes ----------- Bug fixes --------- - Prevent building the image as root if --user-id and --user-name are not specified in :pr:`676` by :user:`Xarthisius`. - Add bash to Dockerfile to fix usage of private repos with git-crendential-env in :pr:`738` by :user:`eexwhyzee`. - Fix memory limit enforcement in :pr:`677` by :user:`betatim`. Version 0.9.0 ============= Release date: 2019-05-05 New features ------------ - Support for julia `Project.toml`, `JuliaProject.toml` and `Manifest.toml` files in :pr:`595` by :user:`davidanthoff` - Set JULIA_PROJECT globally, so that every julia instance starts with the julia environment activated in :pr:`612` by :user:`davidanthoff`. - Update Miniconda version to 4.6.14 and Conda version to 4.6.14 in :pr:`637` by :user:`jhamman` - Install notebook into `notebook` env instead of `root`. Activate conda environments and shell integration via ENTRYPOINT in :pr:`651` by :user:`minrk` - Support for `.binder` directory in addition to `binder` directory for location of configuration files, in :pr:`653` by :user:`jhamman`. - Updated contributor guide and issue templates for bugs, feature requests, and support questions in :pr:`654` and :pr:`655` by :user:`KirstieJane` and :user:`betatim`. - Create a page naming and describing the "Reproducible Execution Environment Specification" (the specification used by repo2docker) in :pr:`662` by :user:`choldgraf`. API changes ----------- Bug fixes --------- - Install IJulia kernel into ${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX}/share/jupyter in :pr:`622` by :user:`davidanthoff`. - Ensure git submodules are updated and initilized correctly in :pr:`639` by :user:`djhoese`. - Use archive.debian.org as source for the debian jessie based legacy buildpack in :pr:`633` by :user:`betatim`. - Update to version 5.7.6 of the `notebook` package used in all environments in :pr:`628` by :user:`betatim`. - Update to version 5.7.8 of the `notebook` package and version 2.0.12 of `nteract-on-jupyter` in :pr:`650` by :user:`betatim`. - Switch to newer version of jupyter-server-proxy to fix websocket handling in :pr:`646` by :user:`betatim`. - Update to pip version 19.0.3 in :pr:`647` by :user:`betatim`. - Ensure ENTRYPOINT is an absolute path in :pr:`657` by :user:`yuvipanda`. - Fix handling of `--build-memory-limit` values without a postfix in :pr:`652` by :user:`betatim`. Version 0.8.0 ============= Release date: 2019-02-21 New features ------------ - Add additional metadata to docker images about how they were built :pr:`500` by :user:`jrbourbeau`. - Allow users to install global NPM packages: :pr:`573` by :user:`GladysNalvarte`. - Add documentation on switching the user interface presented by a container. :pr:`568` by user:`choldgraf`. - Increased test coverage to ~87% by :user:`betatim` and :user:`yuvipanda`. - Documentation improvements and additions by :user:`lheagy`, :user:`choldgraf`. - Remove f-strings from code base, repo2docker is compatible with Python 3.4+ again by :user:`jrbourbeau` in :pr:`520`. - Local caching of previously built repostories to speed up launch times by :user:`betatim` in :pr:`511`. - Make destination of repository content in the container image configurable on the CLI via ``--target-repo-dir``. By :user:`yuvipanda` in :pr:`507`. - Expose CPU limit settings for building and running containers. By :user:`GladysNalvarte` in :pr:`579`. - Make Python 3.7 the default version. By :user:`yuvipanda` and :user:`minrk` in :pr:`539`. API changes ----------- Bug fixes --------- - In some cases the version of conda installed in images was not pinned and got upgraded by user actions. Fixed in :pr:`576` by :user:`minrk`. - Fix an error related to checking if debug output was enabled or not: :pr:`575` by :user:`yuvipanda`. - Update nteract frontend to version 2.0.0 by :user:`yuvipanda` in :pr:`571`. - Fix quoting issue in ``GIT_CREDENTIAL_ENV`` environment variable by :user:`minrk` in :pr:`572`. - Change to using the first 8 characters of each Git commit, not the last 8, to tag each built docker image of repo2docker itself. :user:`minrk` in :pr:`562`. - Allow users to select the Julia when using a ``requirements.txt`` by :user:`yuvipanda` in :pr:`557`. - Set ``JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`` to install packages outside the home directory by :user:`yuvipanda` in :pr:`555`. - Update to Jupyter notebook 5.7.4 :pr:`519` by :user:`minrk`. Version 0.7.0 ============= Release date: 2018-12-12 New features ------------ - Build from sub-directory: build the image based on a sub-directory of a repository :pr:`413` by :user:`dsludwig`. - Editable mode: allows editing a local repository from a live container :pr:`421` by :user:`evertrol`. - Change log added :pr:`426` by :user:`evertrol`. - Documentation: improved the documentation for contributors :pr:`453` by :user:`choldgraf`. - Buildpack: added support for the nix package manager :pr:`407` by :user:`costrouc`. - Log a 'success' message when push is complete :pr:`482` by :user:`yuvipanda`. - Allow specifying images to reuse cache from :pr:`478` by :user:`yuvipanda`. - Add JupyterHub back to base environment :pr:`476` by :user:`yuvipanda`. - Repo2docker has a logo! by :user:`agahkarakuzu` and :user:`blairhudson`. - Improve support for Stencila, including identifying stencila runtime from document context :pr:`457` by :user:`nuest`. API changes ----------- - Add content provider abstraction :pr:`421` by :user:`betatim`. Bug fixes --------- - Update to Jupyter notebook 5.7 :pr:`475` by :user:`betatim` and :user:`minrk`. Version 0.6 =========== Released 2018-09-09 Version 0.5 =========== Released 2018-02-07 Version 0.4.1 ============= Released 2018-09-06 Version 0.2 =========== Released 2018-05-25 Version 0.1.1 ============= Released 2017-04-19 Version 0.1 =========== Released 2017-04-14